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How does the Google Algorithm work?

Have you ever wondered about the inner workings of the Google Search Algorithm? I definitely have, so let's dive into the intricacies without the jargon and break down how this complex system shapes the search results of your website.

The Google Search Algorithm is a (complex) system employed by Google to determine the ranking of pages in search results. While it takes into account hundreds of factors, the most crucial include content relevance, quality, and user experience, as a web designer, I amplify this importance and spend the time making sure these are well noted throughout the design and development process . It's also worth noting that there are various Google algorithms related to search, but for this blog, let's focus on those influencing rankings. We'll refer to potentially multiple algorithms as a singular algorithm for simplicity, because if the web isn't complicated enough...right! 

So, it's apparent that the exact details of the algorithm remain undisclosed, under wraps, like a sleek black cat in the night, understanding its broader operation can provide valuable insights, the motives behind the code. Here's an overview:

  1. Google Crawls Pages: Google discovers pages, either through following links or reading sitemaps, to determine their existence.

  2. Google Indexes Pages: The search engine evaluates each page, discerning its content and assessing its uniqueness and quality. Not every page makes it to the index.

  3. Serving Search Results: Indexed pages are then presented to users based on their search queries. The search ranking algorithm steps in, organising pages by perceived relevance and helpfulness.

Here are a few key areas that cover the most important aspects:

  1. Content Relevance: Crafting content that aligns with user intent is crucial. Understanding what users are looking for and tailoring content accordingly is a fundamental strategy.

  2. Keyword Optimisation: Including relevant keywords naturally in key elements like title tags, URLs, headings, and body text is important. However, it's essential to maintain a natural and user-friendly flow.

Finally, when it comes to thinking about Google's search algorithm and how it will work in your best interest, keep in mind that they prioritise delivering the best-fit results rather than simply keyword repetition. By focusing on user intent and quality content, you can navigate the landscape of the Google Search Algorithm more effectively, and start reaping the rewards of your behind the scenes web design work that the general public, just simply don't see, but can appreciate the reward of a higher listing position, and we all instil that extra bit of trust in those Google listing that sit closer to the top.